Saturday 5 May 2012

4. Evaluation Analysis...

This evaluation is very well presented as the student explains all the processes such as the research, planning and production. They explained everything in extreme detail by even providing the history of their research. They even showed their anaylsis of magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads as well as showing how they manipulated their photography and the pictures they took for the magazine. The annotations in the presentation clearly proves they know what they are talking about as they address good media terminology. By using theory and representations in their evaluation clearly shows their concept of media by the way they compare their magazine theoretically or simply saying they know what they are talking about. The bad points are that the evaluation needs limited detail by not including too many slides but by just being brief and summarising the main points.

3. Evaluation Analysis...

This evaluation is good because rather than going through their research, they immediately went straight into the construction of their magazine but it proves they undertook the research they needed for the production of the magazine. The evaluation has limited detail which makes it very simple, easy to read and consume. The evaluation is also very well presented by keeping everything to a limit. The bad points about this evaluation is it is too simple even though the student immediately gets to the point by not talking about their research, the evaluation doesn't answer all the questions of the evaluation which is why it is too short and simple so more detail is needed.

2. Evaluation Analysis...

Good Points: This evaluation explores each question very clearly by adding digital images. There is also detail in each slide so the student portrayed each annotation effectively. The annotations are also in detail so the readers are able to familiarise themselves with terminology. The student also explained each process they went through when constructing their magazine such as their research, planning and production. The bad points about this evaluation is it doesn't have limited detail on each slide which makes it difficult for the reader as they have too much to read and consume so each slide should have been brief and summarising the main points of each process. The use of images are good as they illustrate all the questions but this is irrelevant as images are not important for every question but only for the production of the magazine and the preliminary task but probably the portrayal of the target audience.

Thursday 15 March 2012

1. Evaluation Analysis...

I like how in the evaluation the slides are very detailed and they are extremely vivid. Each slide has a topic and there are annotations to support any issues or problems there were during the production of the magazine. The evaluation illustrates all the questions such as outlining all the software that has been used within the production of the magazine. The evaluation also shows the student has done their research and illustrated this through images. Also, on the first slide it shows how their inspiration compliments their own magazine. They also got a audience feedback from their magazine which helped them improve their magazine further. They also used social demographic references to assess their target audience. This evaluation is excellent as it is very detailed and expresses all research, planning and production processes. I believe there are no bad points about this evaluation.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Production Diary: Lesson Five in the Production of My Music Magazine Contents Page...

This lesson, I aimed to complete my contents page completely by adding the finishing touches and this is my complete contents page. I started by aligning all the text on the page such as the text in the Features so it is going in one straight flow. Whilst doing this, I added another section called 'News' and I did the same by aligning all the text so it is going in one straight flow. I also worked on the VIP section because before it looked all over the place so now it is aligned and in one straight flow. I changed the image at the bottom as it was difficult to put a caption to the image but I added another image and managed to solve this problem. I also added a  subscription section because before the space was vast and looked pretty empty.  I also added a page number.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Analysis of Music Magazine Double Page Spreads...

This double page spread looks professional and realistic as the overall house style is very simple and simplicity continues within this. I think the main image of Jay Z is effective to reaching out to the audience because rather than the image being laid out on one separate page, it starts at a midpoint from one page and continues along to the middle of the spread which is different to other magazines. Also the close up shot of him entices the reader to read this spread as it is very noticeable and appealing. Looking at the headline 'Jay - Z is fascinating as well because the 'J' seems to look like it is the white background and it is the staples of the spread but it is actually part of the image and it is splitting the image from the main text on the right third of the spread. The writing also has a sense of simplicity as it starts off bold then becomes regular and its on the right hand side of the spread so when people are flicking through pages in a magazine, they always look at the right hand side and not the left to see what else is coming up so the style of text on the right hand side is very effective.

 I don't think this magazine double page spread is effective because to start with, the black colour scheme is not effective as it is one dull colour but this was backed up by the yellow font for the audience to see the text more clearly but yet the image on the top right doesn't improve this. I like how the text is on the right hand side instead of the left which will make readers notice this instantly and I also like how the black and yellow colour scheme is meant to relate to what Lupe Fiasco is wearing but I still think this isn't effective.

I think this magazine double page spread has more potential that the Lupe Fiasco spread because it looks more realistic and when the readers turn to this page, they will feel the urge to read about this person. I like how the main image is laid out as readers will look at the model's face then follow what she is pointing at even though there is nothing to see. I like how the text on the spread is merged with the main image so the text is not overlapping or the image. I think the headline is meant to compliment the clothing she is wearing along with the 'Acapella' at the bottom. I think what is not effective is where the text has been laid out. As I have mentioned before, when the readers are flicking through pages, they are curious to see what is coming up hence they look at the right side of the pages instead of the left so the text layout is the only let-down that will not be effective on this spread.

I think the most effective double page spread is the Jay-Z one because it has met the conventions of a magazine and it is more realistic and effective. The simplicity within the spread makes it more professional which will entice the audience to read this spread. I also like how the 'J' has been made to look like the page splitter and this is really fascinating.