Tuesday 7 February 2012

Production Diary: Lesson Four in the Production of My Music Magazine Contents Page...

This lesson, I spent time adding the last touches to the contents page. I started adding the final captions on all the images and I started to add the sell-lines. I realigned the sell-lines so they are accurately going straight down and instead of using the same colour on the sell lines which is goldish brown, I complimented the magazine front cover masthead 'Defused' and I used a red colour scheme on it. I added an image to my cover of DJ decks which relates to the sell-line of the History of Dubstep with a caption and I also changed the colour scheme of this from black to white to the red colour scheme in the magazine front cover masthead. I also organised my contents page by sections such as VIP and Features. I used the Mix Mag contents page for inspiration yet I still decided to differ my contents page from Mix Mag. I also took the 'Issue #50' out as I felt this doesn't seem to shown any significance so I moved the Defused masthead from the bottom and placed it in the place of the issue number. I also re-aligned the top sell line about my model. I changed the colour scheme of the dateline to black. I also changed the size of the font on the sell-lines and made it smaller. I also changed the size of the font on the captions in the images and made it bigger. I aligned the text on the features so everything is in line and this expanded the space at the bottom so I moved the caption for the bottom image to the right.

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